Tags & Helpers


Use tags in your source file (e.g. markdown) and use helpers in your templates (e.g. ejs).

Tag: leanCounter

{{ leanCounter }}
{{ leanCounter url:[url] }}
{{ leanCounter action:[action] }}
{{ leanCounter element:[element] }}

This tag is useful when you want to show some specific counters in your post.


  • url optional

    If not set, the url of the file in Hexo will be used

  • action optional

    If set to inc, LeanCloud Counter will automaticly increase this counter when page is load.

  • element optional

    The HTML element the counter uses.


{{ leanCounter url:/some/url/ action:inc }}

will get

<span class="leancloud-counter" data-leancloud-counter-url="/some/url/" data-leancloud-counter-inc>

Helper: leancloud_counter_script

<%- leancloud_counter_script() %>

This outputs the LeanCloud Counter script.

Helper: leancloud_counter

<%- leancloud_counter({
  action: '',
  url: this.path,
  element: 'span'
}) -%>

This outputs the same as the leanCounter tag.


  • action optional; type: String; value: 'inc' | ''; default: ''

    If set inc, LeanCloud Counter will automaticly increase this counter when page is load.

  • url optional; type: String; default: this.path

    The url of counter.

  • element optional; type: String; default: 'span'

    The HTML element used for this counter.

Helper: leancloud_counter_legacy_script

<%- leancloud_counter_legacy_script(page.layout) %>

This is the legacy script for compatibility of old LeanCloud Counter (hexo-leancloud-counter-security).